Online forum "Harvest in War: Progress and Expected Results"

August 30, 2022 Rud V.P., leading researcher of the laboratory of innovation-investment development of the vegetable market and intellectual property of the IOB NAAS, Ph.D. gave a speech "Vegetables. Estimated production volumes in 2022. Price dynamics. Expected volumes of consumption" at the online forum "Harvest into war: progress and expected results" at the initiative of the NSC of the Institute of Agrarian Economics on the basis of the Department of Economics of Regional Development and Forecasting.
During the speeches, the issue of the progress of the seed company in 2022, the expected production volumes in the main sectors of the agricultural industry (grain, vegetables, fruits and vegetables) during the war period were discussed. The problem points of harvesting in the current conditions and providing the country's population with food products, the search for mechanisms to support agricultural producers, and the formation of possible algorithms for their subsequent actions were identified.
The event was attended by representatives of ministries, Ukrainian enterprises, business support organizations, business associations, representatives of regional and local authorities, public organizations, industry associations, etc.