Institute of Vegetable and Melon NAAS:
- a wide range of additional, basic and certified seeds of vegetable, melon, green, spicy plant species;
- home-grown vegetable products (including certified organic products).
- growing seeds of vegetable and melon plants to order, concluding license agreements for seed production; seed finishing services, improvement of sowing qualities; carrying out approbation works at all stages of seed production;
- formation (creation) of demonstration sites in order to strengthen the innovative provision of scientific products (cooperation with farms, scientific and educational institutions);
- agronomic author's support of energy-efficient and biologized technologies for growing vegetable products; providing recommendations on the introduction of soil-protective crop rotations, tillage systems and plant care;
- development of methods of clonal micropropagation of agricultural and ornamental crops;
- development of a set of biotechnological issues, namely: determination of the optimal source material for propagation in in vitro culture and development of the regime of its aseptic introduction into sterile culture; establishing the optimal composition of nutrient media for mass propagation and rooting of test tube material; development of energy-saving methods of adaptation of test tubes to soil conditions;
- assessment of the phytosanitary condition of agrocenoses of marketable vegetables or seeds of the main vegetable and melon crops; mycological, entomological tests, seed infections; recommendations on regional systems of integrated protection of vegetable and melon crops;
- comprehensive diagnosis of major functional and infectious diseases of vegetable and melon crops; consultations on protection of vegetable plants from pests, implementation of measures to activate natural mechanisms of pest control in various vegetable agrocenoses (closed and open soil, intensive and biologized crop rotations);
- development of vegetable fertilizer systems based on the results of agrochemical survey of fields and diagnostics of plant nutrition. Agrochemical support of effective application of fertilizers for planned yield indicators;
- development of normative and normative-legal documents (DSTU, SOU, TR, TU); methodical assistance during the development of technical regulations and technical conditions;
- development of technological maps, business plans, business projects, production programs, innovation and investment projects for the production of vegetable products in different soil and climatic zones, depending on the company's production resources. Economic and energy analysis of the results of scientific research on the testing of new growing technologies, as well as varieties and hybrids of vegetable plants;
- drawing up business plans for the organization and efficient conduct of production, obtaining investment and credit funds;
- calculation of actual costs (UAH / ha) and calculation of production costs (UAH / t, UAH / kg) for growing vegetables on the basis of compiling technological maps based on actual farm data, taking into account the degree of intensity of production processes and availability of material and technical base;
- development of projects of regional and branch programs of vegetable and vegetable branch for short-term and long-term perspective and definition of priority directions of development;
- providing analytical information on the current state of vegetable growing in open, protected soil and seed production for managers and specialists of different levels of management of agriculture, scientists, teachers, students
- preparation of application materials for patents for inventions, utility model patents and their support;
- conducting lectures and consultations on technological and selection issues.
- measurement in the field of quality control and safety of plant products (biochemical analysis of vegetable and other agricultural products (cereals and legumes, potatoes) to determine the dry matter, vitamins, sugars, fiber, starch, pectin, proteins, nitrates, acidity; analysis; plant products for nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and ash elements).
- determination of agrochemical properties of soil (content of humus, mobile compounds of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, magnesium and potassium ions in the soil solution, pH of water and salt extract, hydrolytic acidity, the amount of absorbed bases, etc.); consultations on sampling of soil, water and vegetable products.
Laboratory of agrochemistry and analytical measurements IOB NAAS, certified for measurements in the field of state metrological supervision in accordance with the field of certification conducts:
- measurements in the field of quality control and safety of plant products:
- carbohydrate composition: total sugar, monosaccharides, disaccharides, starch, fiber
- pectin composition: water-soluble pectin, pectin, betanin
- total nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium
- protein
- acidity
- dry matter, soluble dry matter
- nitrates
- measurement of agrochemical properties of soils:
- humus
- pH of salt and water extract
- hydrolyticacidity
- absorptioncapacity
- theamountofabsorbedbases
- saturationofbases
- nitratenitrogen
- hydrolyzednitrogen
- mobilephosphorus
- andexchangeablepotassium
- calcium and magnesium ions.
Laboratory of biotechnology, genetic resources and theoretical foundations of selection to provide farmers with quality planting material offers services for reproduction by clonal micropropagation in in vitro culture:
- decorative,
- berry
- medicinal
- vegetable crops
- potatoes.
As our experience has shown, the material improved by methods of biotechnology is characterized by the increased force of growth, high productivity that provides fast payback of expenses for its acquisition. The technology of accelerated propagation is carried out in accordance with world standards of production of planting material of plants, under which we can guarantee the highest quality of planting material, high survival of plants and their increased yield. In contrast to traditional methods of seed and vegetative propagation, this method allows for 12-18 months to obtain from one source plant up to 10 thousand plants of completely identical plants, thus providing our customers with competitive advantages in the implementation of new promising varieties. Extremely important in practical terms, the advantage of clonal micropropagation is the ability to also rehabilitate plants from bacterial, fungal and even viral diseases, and the ability to carry out in vitro reproduction and rooting of plants that are difficult to propagate by traditional methods. The significant scientific and practical experience of biotechnologists, developed over more than 20 years, allows us to solve extremely complex problems of our clients.