Direction – Plant genetic resources

Employees of the unit:
Areas of work:

Formation, enrichment and support genetic diversity of the gene pool of vegetable and melon plants for breeding, research, training programs are already carried out in the following areas:

  • scientifi c justifi cation and conduct of the introduction of the gene pool of samples of plants for agriculture and food;
  • laws creating sources and donors of economic traits, forming collections and registration;
  • development of information support for the registration and evaluation of collections and samples gene pool of plants;
  • establish patterns of long-term storage of samples gene pool of plants (freezing, cryopreservation, depositing in vitro, maintenance of fi eld collections) and features a long-term storage of samples gene pool of plants in the National and doublet genetics bank;
  • morphological, biochemical and genetic identifi cation of samples gene pool of plants;
  • identifi cation and use of samples gene pool of plant that are stored on farm.
Basic scientific developments:
  • Catalogues of samples gene pool for the species of plants: eggplant, carrot, table beet, radish, which has been included in a collection of sources on the basis of: early maturity, productivity, content of chemicals, re-sistance to biotic and abiotic factors.
  • Already been allocated from the gene pool of tomatoes 49 sources of early maturity, 32 – of sweet pepper, 16 of eggplant, 18 of carrots and 20 sources of onions.
  • Already allocated source with a stable manifestation of productivity features, this 38 sources of tomatoes, 27 of sweet pepper, 27 of eggplant, 11 – of table beet, 19 of carrots and 12 sources of onions.
  • Already allocated stable sources 11 sources of tomatoes that are already high content of dry matter; 10 sources of sweet pepper that has a high content of ascorbic acid; 6 sources of carrots of content of β-carotene, 15 of table beet the contents betanin.
  • Already been formed and registered: a basic collection of eggplant, core collection of sweet pepper; feature collection of eggplant; feature collection of table beet on morphological and agronomic characteristics; feature collection of tomatoes for resistance to Fusarium and early dry spot; feature collection of tomatoes for protected ground on indicators combining ability; feature gene pool collection of onion on morphological and agronomic traits.
  • Already been created the genetic collection that includes samples from the identifi ed genes and gene com-plexes, expression and inheritance which are studied in certain circumstances.

        Proposals for scientists

  • Samples gene pool grade standards, sources and donors of agronomic traits of vegetable and melon plants.
Major scientific publications:

1. Адаптивний потенціал генофонду салату посівного листкового, створеного методом індукованого мутагенезу на основі вітчизняного сорту Вельможа / С. І. Кондратенко, І. М. Митенко, Р. В. Крутько, П. Г. Дульнєв. Наукові доповіді НУБіП України (Агрономія). № 2 (72). 2018. С. 

2. Методика-класифікатор проведення експертизи сортів на відмітність, однорідність та стабільність (ВОС) салату посівного (Lactuca sativa L.) / С. І. Кондратенко, В. Ю. Ткалич, С. І. Корнієнко, Т. К. Горова, І. М. Митенко, Н. О. Баштан, Н. В. Лещук, О. В. Позняк, О. Ю. Гарт. Харків : ІОБ НААН. 2019. 65 с.  

3. Митенко І. М., Біленька О. М. Каталог морфологічних ознак цибулин виду цибуля ріпчаста (Allium cepa L.) Селекційне : ІОБ НААН. 2020. 20 с. 

4. Каталог морфологічних ознак зразків генофонду виду перець однорічний (Capsicum annum L.) / І. М. Митенко, Р. В. Крутько, С. М. Кормош. Селекційне : ІОБ НААН. 2020. 20 с.

Contacts of the department:

Phone +380577489191 secretary
