Direction – Plant genetic resources
Head in the direction
Senior ResearcherMUTENKO Inna Mykolaivna,
Ph.D. (Agr.)Scientific profile:
Formation, enrichment and support genetic diversity of the gene pool of vegetable and melon plants for breeding, research, training programs are already carried out in the following areas:
- scientifi c justifi cation and conduct of the introduction of the gene pool of samples of plants for agriculture and food;
- laws creating sources and donors of economic traits, forming collections and registration;
- development of information support for the registration and evaluation of collections and samples gene pool of plants;
- establish patterns of long-term storage of samples gene pool of plants (freezing, cryopreservation, depositing in vitro, maintenance of fi eld collections) and features a long-term storage of samples gene pool of plants in the National and doublet genetics bank;
- morphological, biochemical and genetic identifi cation of samples gene pool of plants;
- identifi cation and use of samples gene pool of plant that are stored on farm.
- Catalogues of samples gene pool for the species of plants: eggplant, carrot, table beet, radish, which has been included in a collection of sources on the basis of: early maturity, productivity, content of chemicals, re-sistance to biotic and abiotic factors.
- Already been allocated from the gene pool of tomatoes 49 sources of early maturity, 32 – of sweet pepper, 16 of eggplant, 18 of carrots and 20 sources of onions.
- Already allocated source with a stable manifestation of productivity features, this 38 sources of tomatoes, 27 of sweet pepper, 27 of eggplant, 11 – of table beet, 19 of carrots and 12 sources of onions.
- Already allocated stable sources 11 sources of tomatoes that are already high content of dry matter; 10 sources of sweet pepper that has a high content of ascorbic acid; 6 sources of carrots of content of β-carotene, 15 of table beet the contents betanin.
- Already been formed and registered: a basic collection of eggplant, core collection of sweet pepper; feature collection of eggplant; feature collection of table beet on morphological and agronomic characteristics; feature collection of tomatoes for resistance to Fusarium and early dry spot; feature collection of tomatoes for protected ground on indicators combining ability; feature gene pool collection of onion on morphological and agronomic traits.
- Already been created the genetic collection that includes samples from the identifi ed genes and gene com-plexes, expression and inheritance which are studied in certain circumstances.
Proposals for scientists
- Samples gene pool grade standards, sources and donors of agronomic traits of vegetable and melon plants.
1. Адаптивний потенціал генофонду салату посівного листкового, створеного методом індукованого мутагенезу на основі вітчизняного сорту Вельможа / С. І. Кондратенко, І. М. Митенко, Р. В. Крутько, П. Г. Дульнєв. Наукові доповіді НУБіП України (Агрономія). № 2 (72). 2018. С.
2. Методика-класифікатор проведення експертизи сортів на відмітність, однорідність та стабільність (ВОС) салату посівного (Lactuca sativa L.) / С. І. Кондратенко, В. Ю. Ткалич, С. І. Корнієнко, Т. К. Горова, І. М. Митенко, Н. О. Баштан, Н. В. Лещук, О. В. Позняк, О. Ю. Гарт. Харків : ІОБ НААН. 2019. 65 с.
3. Митенко І. М., Біленька О. М. Каталог морфологічних ознак цибулин виду цибуля ріпчаста (Allium cepa L.) Селекційне : ІОБ НААН. 2020. 20 с.
4. Каталог морфологічних ознак зразків генофонду виду перець однорічний (Capsicum annum L.) / І. М. Митенко, Р. В. Крутько, С. М. Кормош. Селекційне : ІОБ НААН. 2020. 20 с.
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