Acceptance of experiments

On June 22, 2023, in accordance with the schedule for the acceptance of experiments in the scientific divisions of the Institute of Vegetable and Melon Growing of the National Academy of Sciences in 2023, the next acceptance of scientific experiments under PND 20 "Vegetable and Melon Growing" took place with the tasks: "Development of methodological approaches for the use of lines resistant to stress factors of the external environment and the creation of a tolerant heterosis cucumber hybrid with high adaptive capacity." Stage 2023 "Selection of parental forms and F1 hybrids of cucumber according to the manifestation of heterosis and their reproduction."

The task is carried out under the leadership of the breeder, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Sergienko Oksana Volodymyrivna.

Laboratory breeders: L.D. Solodovnyk, L.O. Radchenko, scientific staff, all the necessary stages of the breeding process for the creation of new competitive cucumber genotypes for protected and open soil conditions were carried out. To date, a comprehensive evaluation of the breeding material has been carried out according to a set of economic and valuable characteristics: early maturity, gynoecity, productivity during the first decade of fruiting, resistance to biotic and abiotic factors of the external environment, and the chemical composition of the fruits has been determined. The 10 best hybrid combinations of the first generation and 7 lines with a complex of valuable selection traits are highlighted. More than 1,500 crossings were carried out with the aim of obtaining new genotypes and breeding valuable forms for heterosis selection of cucumber for open ground conditions. Valuable genotypes are propagated in isolated plots. "Theoretical substantiation of the influence of abiotic and biotic factors on the formation of yield and quality of onion vegetable plants." Stage 2023. "Justification of the use of alternative methods of growing onion vegetable plants."

The task is carried out under the leadership of candidate of agricultural sciences, senior researcher of the laboratory of adaptive vegetable growing, storage and standardization Melnyk O.V.

The commission was shown a field experiment on the study of the influence of biological preparations of microbial action on the formation of the yield of winter garlic varieties Duches and Merefyanskyi white. According to the research results, the effect of the complex application of biofungicides Mycohelp and Fitohelp on the development of fungal diseases has been established. Their influence on the adaptive properties of plants during overwintering and the formation of biometric parameters was determined. Evaluation of the effect and after-effect of the researched drugs using the method of overlaying treatments is performed in comparison with a synthetic analogue.

Commission for the acceptance of experiments consisting of: deputy director for scientific work of the institute, doctor of agricultural sciences, senior researcher O.V. Sergienko, head of the laboratory of genetics, genetic resources and biotechnology of the doctor of agricultural sciences, professor T.V. Ivchenko, head of the selection department, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher S.I. Kondratenko, Head of the Department of Latest Cultivation Technologies, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Vitanova O.D., Head of the Laboratory of Innovation and Investment Development of the Vegetable Market and Intellectual Property, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher Mohylnya O. M., senior researcher of the laboratory of adaptive vegetable growing, storage and standardization Melnyk O.V. the high scientific-methodical level of scientific research was noted, their full compliance with the Technical Task for 2023, for the entire period and the Work Program for 2023, their indisputable practical significance and available scientific development were established. The commission's conclusion is to accept the research, to continue the research.