The research station «Mayak» of the IVM of NAAS generally conducts scientifi c research in the fi eld of the Vegetable growing. Today the station is the lead agency for the study of rare vegetables diff erent direction use spicy and taste, salad, delicious. Scientists of the station have paid considerable attention to station elements of the development of resource-saving technologies of cultivation of vegetable crops and improvement of seed production methods of high-quality seed.

The main areas of research:
  • creating a high-yielding, resistant to pests and diseases, with a high taste varieties and hybrids of vegetable plants adapted to environmental conditions in the Foreststeppe and Polesie of Ukraine;
  • introduction and breeding of rare vegetable plants (herbs, spicy fl avor, aromatic, delicious);
  • growing the original, basic and certifi ed seeds of vegetables own selection;
  • revival, maintenance and improvements to the classic varieties of cucumber pickles of folk selection Nizhynskyyi mistsevyyi, development of new methods and recipes of pickles fruits of sort types;
  • technical support manufacturers of vegetable production and population in the region.


Offers to production:
  • cucumber for open soil: Dzhekon F1, Darunok oseni, Nizhynskyyi dar, Nizhynskyyi mistsevyyi;
  • onions: Mayak, Zagrava, Perlyna;
  • sowing salad: capitate: Godar, Dyvogray, Olzhych; leafy: Snizhynka, Zolotyyi shar, Shar malynovyyi; romaine: Skarb;
  • vegetable parsley with curly leaves: Stykhiya; root celery: Roma; parsnips: Stimul; root chicory: Tsesar;
  • greens: spinach: Krasen’ Polissya, Fantasiya; mustard greens: Zoryanka, Popelyushka; cress-salad: Kholodok, Merezhyvo; Eruca sativa: Znakhar; garden purslane: Svitanok; mangold (leafy beets): Kobzar;
  • delicious: okra Dibrova, Svitanok;
  • vegetable peas: Lankovyyi, Spadok;
  • spicy and taste: authentic Cornfl owers (basil): Rutan, Syayivo, Perekotypole; nihella: Ivolga; summer savory: Oster; onion (shnit): Lastivka;
  • the right to commercial use of rare varieties of vegetables and crops owned by RS «Mayak» of the IVM of NAAS;
  • basic and certifi ed seeds of rare plants and vegetables in order;
  • methods and recipes of pickles fruit of cucumber Nizhynskyyi sort types;
  • providing scientifi c advice on the selection of production and of rare varieties of vegetable crops to address specifi c business problems.

Address: 16645 Chernihivska obl., Nizhynskyi r-n, s. Kruty, st. Nezalezhnosti, 39
Phone: +38(04631) 69439